Staying Safe on a Wild Spring Break

Staying Safe on a Wild Spring Break

You’ve spend the last few months cramming for exams and saving up  your cash by avoiding unnecessary purchases like those Honda motorcycle parts, so you deserve a crazy, fun spring break. Whether you’re heading off to Cancun or you’ll be in the South of France for a week or two, you’ve got to take some safety precautions if you want to keep safe. Follow my tips and suggestions for a safe and healthy spring break vacation.

  1. Don’t over drink. Many people associate fun and crazy with alcohol, and while that may be true, make sure you are smart about drinking. Follow local drinking laws and make sure that you have your identification with you at all times. If you do decide to drink, make sure that you don’t overindulge. It will not only put a damper on the rest of the trip, but it could make you vulnerable as a result of your lowered inhibitions. Never go to a bar and drink alone, always make sure you’ve got a friend or two out with you and look out for each other.
  2. Don’t get sunburned. We all no the dangers presented by the sun, so be careful. You don’t want to overexpose your skin to the sun because it will certainly ruin the trip and it is incredibly unhealthy. Always wear sunscreen while out on the beach. You should apply it at least 30 minutes before you go out and you should really lather it on. You can still a tan with sunscreen, so don’t let that affect your decision to wear it.
  3. Don’t invite strangers over to your hotel. This may be tempting to do while out on vacation, but it’s incredibly dangerous. Unless you know someone well, you shouldn’t invite them in. It leaves you and your belongings vulnerable. If you aren’t expecting someone and you hear a knock at the door, don’t answer it without verbal or visual confirmation of their identity.
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