Tips For Traveling Safely

Tips For Traveling Safely

Just days ago, a massive earthquake hit the country of Haiti. Unfortunately there are many people who were killed, and many still the missing. Some of those people are from other countries, either visiting Haiti on vacation or visiting Haiti to try to offer assistance of some kind even before the earthquake hit.
This is a very unfortunate incident, but it points out the dangers that can sometimes be fall travelers when they go to other countries, or even other cities. You never know when a natural disaster might come up, and you’re caught off guard because you’re in unfamiliar territory.  While there’s nothing you can do to completely protect yourself while you’re away on vacation, there are a few things you should think of while you’re traveling that might help you, or at least help other people to help you.
First, try to always have a cell phone handy. It’s true that cell phones don’t work everywhere because everyone is in on the same network around the world, but every country has to sell phones, and even temporary ones are easy to obtain. With the cell phone, at least have programmed the number of the hotel you’re staying at an emergency number of at least one person who’s not where you are. If that person has to be someone at home, then so be it. Also make sure that if you have a temporary cell phone that other people know what that phone number is in case they need to try to reach you.
Second, always try to have something to drink with you if you’re traveling around town. Caring about of water or a small bottle of some kind of drink could become important if you don’t have the opportunity to get to anything fresh to drink for long period of time. Also, there are a lot of countries were drinking the water could give you physical problems later on, so there’s another extra layer of protection you will have.
Third, always have a couple of snack foods to eat, and something to suck on to keep your mouth moist. You can survive longer without food than you can without something to drink, and having at least a little bit of something else to take the edge off if you can’t get to any other food for a long time. The same thing with having something to help keep your mouth moist such as gum or some kind of lozenges or even some kind of hard candy. These items might not save your life, but they will help you stay comfortable.
Fourth, always have some kind of identification on you. Whether it’s a drivers license, passport, or just some kind of identification like a little card that comes with the wallet, it’s more important that someone can identify who you are when you’re not at home than when you are at home. At least when you’re home, there are a lot more people that know who you are and what you look like. You don’t have that same luxury when you’re out of town, so if a disaster struck and someone at home starts inquiring about you, if something bad happened to you it’s easier to identify you.

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