Getting To The Airport With Children

Getting To The Airport With Children

Generals planning a military campaign against a well-organized enemy may think they have problems with logistics, but they do not have to take their children on airplanes. This is the ultimate test of any military planner. How to get the family from A to B with everyone safe? It all starts so innocently with a question about holidays or a business trip where the family might go along. Then comes the first problem. If this is to be an international trip, are the passports up-to-date with all the children added? Now is the time to learn all about the new rules on photographs — how frequently they have to be updated when children are growing — when the other data may be collected including fingerprints, retinal scans, and so on. Life has become quite complicated since the threat of plane hijacking became more real. Then we get into the age of the children for ticketing purposes. Do they qualify for travel with accompanying parents or will they need separately ticketed seats? You may need to get notarised copies of their birth certificates not only to buy the tickets but also to carry with you when you go through airport security in case any question arises as to their ages. Now where are you going? If there are interesting diseases common in the destination country, you and the children may be required to get immunized. Some countries require proof before you are allowed entry. In others, it is merely a wise precaution. In any event, you should have your doctor examine them before they fly. One of the things to look for is any sign of a cold or stuffed up nose. Because of the changes in pressure during take-off and landing, there can be damage to the ears causing pain and, sometimes, slight deafness for days. Take your doctor’s telephone number with you. If there is an emergency, a quick telephone consult with local doctors can save time in deciding what treatments are safe. Thinking about documentation, if you are traveling as a single parent, you should carry a verifiable form of consent from the other parent. There are cases of abductions and you should aim to avoid suspicion. More importantly, you need to carry a document confirming your sole power to give consent to medical treatment in the country to which you are traveling. Should any child fall ill, there must be no doubt that the single parent can authorize treatment. Travel insurance including cover for all medical costs is also vital. Children are prone to falling sick when it is most inconvenient. Make sure you can cover all costs without having to hit your credit card. So these have been the first steps to get us to the airport. You have your cheap plane tickets. Everyone is ready to go. You have done your online check-in, reserving the seats with the most leg room. Now is the time to set off, not forgetting those cheap airline tickets.

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