The Dream Of Travel Remains Strong So Allow It To Grow

The Dream Of Travel Remains Strong So Allow It To Grow

I’ve heard a mind is a terrible thing to waste and yet, there are many activities in which I engage my mind in that are mainly a waste; is that a bit of irony? Due to circumstances each year, though I want to travel to far off places, I am remaining closer to my current location; left to the wild imagination of travel.

How ironic the internet is because of my ‘network‘ I am able to talk with others that are scattered throughout the world, questioning them on their places of residence and gathering images in which to re-stimulate my dreams of traveling.

The power of such a small devise to empower my ‘grey matter’.

When an image is captured within our minds or creative abilities sparkle and are allowed to run wild, painting additional scenery in which to bring this image into action, the smiles brought on release mind-chemicals which explode. By simply typing in a few terms, I can escape to an interesting area and allow ‘Mr. Imagination‘ to work his wonders.

The escape-ism in which creative imagination provides when lives are less empowered, through economic situations or downturns in work options, provides all of us an opportunity to “get-away” without the use of alternative substances. We can simply go online, type in a destination of interest, research then sit back and imagine our own movie breaking out.

The mind should always be allowed to conjure excitement through imagery and creative juices. Allowing a person to believe in themselves; even for moments in time, of travelling to locations in which they may never really visit, but this way, can be in thought.

Even though there are many opportunities online in which most anyone could create a way they could visit these locations once thought unobtainable, the surprising part is how many will not explore or take the necessary action to actually do so – in reality. They would rather sit and dream, wish and hope, but never try and succeed.

The mental struggles of placing some plan into action which would allow the traveling dream to materialize seems to them unreal. “Why Try?” they say, expecting nothing in return. Sure an effort may not return a desired result but could make a dream one step closer. Many steps lead to an experience.

While allowing imagination to take hold and provide the painting of another location, trying action to actually step into the picture remains ridiculous. The power of the internet is used, incorrectly here, due to lack of interest, so onward to another site for an empty painting canvass on the easel to create another false hope?

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