Create an Abandon Ship Bag

Create an Abandon Ship Bag

We have taken many cruises. And have returned safely from all of them. Therefore, it wasn’t until very recently that we thought about creating an Abandon Ship Bag. We had an upcoming trip to Antarctica. The MS Explorer, The Little Red Boat, had sunk in Antarctic waters a few months before we were scheduled to leave. That made us think long and hard about what we might do in a similar emergency.

Did this cause us to rethink our trip? Yes, for about 10 seconds. My husband and I talked about this and we decided that the best thing we could do was to simply be prepared in case something like this happened to our ship.

We decided to do some investigating and ended up creating an Abandon Ship Bag.

When we got on board, we emptied one of our backpacks. We then lined it with a heavy plastic bag we had brought along for the purpose and then put into it:


credit cards

copy of passports (the ship held the originals)


emergency blankets – purchased in a camping store for $4.00 each

our picture backup device: Digital Foci Photo Safe


change of underwear

extra pair of socks

We kept the backpack at the foot of the bed so that it was easy to grab on the way out, if necessary. We also left it open so we could quickly add hats, scarves, gloves and cameras. (I’m very pleased to report we didn’t need it after all.)

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