Keep Kids Entertained on Holidays

Keep Kids Entertained on Holidays

When you are away on holiday with the kids, how do you keep them entertained?  There are only so many times that you can go to the movie theatre, play at the park and go swimming.  What else is there to do with children while away from home?  Depending on how long the holiday is you may only need a few more activities to avoid your children from saying “I’m bored”.   
If the holiday is a quite long, you may need to start getting creative.  We can help your creativity with these tips below:
* Arts and crafts are one of the best projects, even if you are away from home.  They do not have to be expensive and you can find a different art project for every day.  If you check online, you will find numerous projects to make such as jewellery, paintings, making candle holders and many more.
* Go to the beach.  There are many fun activities that you can do at the beach besides playing in the water.  You can play your favourite sports like soccer, volleyball or simply throw a ball around.  You can pick up sand, shells and other things that wash up on the shore and take it home to use on your crafts.  Then you can go on a treasure hunt.  Bury some treasure and make a map for your children to follow.
* Create an orienteering course around the hotel and discover these areas with your kids.
* Make a decoupage project using pictures from brochures, photos and pretty paper and create a holiday poster with all your adventures.
* Instead of going to the movies on a rainy day, order a movie in your room and have an indoor picnic while everyone is watching the film.
* Book a unique overnight excursion and stay somewhere that is a little different.
* Make sock puppets and then put on a show – this is a great option when it is raining outside.
* Dedicate a day to board games and listening to music.
* Make a scrapbook of your entire holiday together.  Take photos of all your activities and place them into an album.
Children’s activities, especially when you are on holidays can become expensive – going to amusement parks, tours, sporting events and museums are rarely ever budget friendly.  Therefore, if you are looking to save a bit of money and be kind to your bank balance, the above listed activities will cost you nearly nothing or even be free!  Try to use any type of left over arts and crafts that you have collected on your holiday to create new projects when you get home.  And always remember, try to go with the flow and let your children come up with some creative ideas too!

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