Hall Of Jade Billows For Summer Palace

Hall Of Jade Billows For Summer Palace

At the northern side of the kunming lake,east of the hall of benevolence and longevity lies the hall of jade billows.in front of the hall stands two rocks.it is believed that one is male-empress dowager cixi,the two rocks face each other day and night and have come to be known as the mother and son rocks,it seemed that each stone was complaining against the other.

This hall is well known to have served as a prison for emperor guangxu for ten years.after the failure of the reform movement in 1898.the empress dowager cixi put her son,emperor guangxu under house arrest in yingtai(water terrace pavilion)in zhongnanhai(the central south sea) near the forbidden city,the emperor was later moved to the hall of jade billows in the summer palace and confined there for ten years.if you Tour in Beijing,you can visit this famous sightseeing.

The confined emperor was closely watched,several brick walls were put up and all the back door were sealed.the poor emperor was isolated by those wall,the only outside view he could enjoy was the weeping willow trees in the perceiving the spring pavilion.

Beijing Package Tours include the most famous sightseeing.

To the North of the hall of Benevolence and longevity is the garden of virtuous harmony.Inside the garden is a 21 metre high 17 metre wide,three-storey grand theatre,which happens to be the second highest building in the summer palace.The summer palace have different Garden in different location.

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