How To Have A Peaceful Slumber Inside A Coleman Tent

How To Have A Peaceful Slumber Inside A Coleman Tent

Yes, camping can be a great experience especially with Coleman tents. However, even if you manage to buy the perfect Coleman tent for you and your family (or friends), it may still be possible that you have a hard time getting a good night sleep. It may be because of the scary eerie noises, the annoying snoring of your little brother, the cold winds, or merely the fact that you are not on your own bed. Whatever it is that is causing you distress, enough to keep you wide-awake all night, here are some tips on how to have a peaceful slumber inside your Coleman tent.
1.    Clean up.
Most of the time, it is hard to sleep when there is mess all around. With camping gear here and there and little room for you to stretch and lie down, it may be difficult for you to get that much needed snooze. So before you sleep, clear and clean up the space first. This is also good to clear up the crumbs that attract ants into your tent.
2.    Listen to music.
Soothing melodies and soft tunes can relax your mind and body. This will make it much easier for you to get a good quality sleep. You can bring your mp3 player or have a small radio play your favorite tunes that can lull you into a peaceful and relaxing sleep. .
3.    Read a book.
Another good way to induce sleep is to read a book. Use a flashlight and not a lantern inside the tent for reading a book. It is not safe to use a lantern inside especially because you may fall asleep and forget about putting it out.
4.    Wear comfortable clothes.
If it is cold, wear layers of clothing to keep yourself warm. If it is hot, wear something light and cool.
5.    Bring your favorite pillow.
Some people cannot sleep in places other than their own bedroom. If you happen to be one of these people, it would be a smart move to bring your favorite pillow to your camping trip so you would have something to remind you of your bedroom.
6.    Choose the right sleeping bag.
Choose something suitable for the type of season you intend to go camping. It is also best that you bring a sleeping pad, even better if you can have an air mattress to ensure comfort.
7.    Close the door of your tent.
Do not leave your tent door open or else risk having creeping and flying creatures inside the tent. These creatures can truly ruin a good night slumber.
Getting a good quality sleep is a very important part in any camping trip. Not only do you want to wake up fresh (and not cranky), sleep can also rejuvenate and reenergize you so that you would be ready for the next day’s activities. The right camping equipment as well as the right strategies can help you have that peaceful slumber you want and need so badly.

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