Air Transport Tips – Travel Kenya – Kenya Africas’ Safari Destination

Air Transport Tips – Travel Kenya – Kenya Africas’ Safari Destination

Air transport is the most commonly used mode of travel all around the globe when going for long distances. It’s a safer and an efficient way to move around various tourist destinations.<BR>
I have compiled a few tips about Air Transport to help you enjoy your travel:
<LI>Before traveling, determine the baggage your airline allows per person so as to reduce your travel costs.
<LI>Prepare a checklist of items to carry and tick them as you pack your bag and then lastly put your name tags on each bag.
<LI>Pack only the items allowed by airport authorities to avoid any confrontations at the security screening rooms.
<LI>Incase you are carrying medical prescriptions, use medical records with your name to support them to the screening authorities.
<LI>Confirm and plan to arrive early at the airport for checking in, this varies from one airline to the other.
<LI>Never carry sharp or metallic objects on your hand bags instead try packing them on a separate luggage
<LI>Have your valid identity and travel documents at hand when going for check in or boarding the plane
<LI>Always carry your own luggage around the airport or in the plane, Don’t help strangers carry their own. You never know what’s inside!
<LI>Be prepared for any form of check up when going through an airport security check.
<LI>Be attentive to the crew members and know where safety exits and oxygen masks are, also ensure that your seatbelts are working before take off.
<LI>Follow instructions and respect each others rights in the plane at all times. this brings satisfaction and enjoyment on your trip.
<LI>Be courteous and consult the air crew incase of a problem.
<LI>Enjoy the snacks offered on the flight and incase of alcohol, Don’t ever indulge yourself, you still need to be sober when you land remember!

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