Записи с меткой ‘classic’

Seattle Events – a Taste of the Unusual

Seattle Events – a Taste of the Unusual Seattle is one of the most beautiful cities in the United States and offers mild weather all year long. There is a bit more precipitation in this city in the Pacific Northwest and many of the annual events take place indoors or in areas that provide a […]

Coast & Country Cottages Devon Holidays: the Best Holidays in Devon You Will Ever Have

Coast & Country Cottages Devon Holidays: the Best Holidays in Devon You Will Ever Have Taking time off for a holiday is man’s way of refreshing himself and renewing his energy.  His days could have been stressful.  Holidays in Devon might just reactivate his memory.  As he plans for the long overdue holiday, the first […]

Menorca Beaches – a personal guide

Menorca Beaches – a personal guide Menorca beaches once experienced, rarely forgotten. Menorca is blessed with so many beautiful beaches that you’re never more than 5 miles away from the next one. Menorca (Minorca) is a beach paradise, not on the other side of the world but just 2-3 hours flight time away. Picture postcard […]

Festivals and Celebrations in Mexico – You Are Always Welcome

Festivals and Celebrations in Mexico – You Are Always Welcome!  Festivals define the culture and traditions of a city or country. But if you are in Mexico and its a festival time, you will never forget the joy and juncture of celebrations in parts of the country. Canadian wanderers visit Mexico not only to enjoy […]